Link in Bio
“Trend forecasting is like fortune telling. Predictions, assumptions, speculations … deep truth” claims the witch in my mobile-optimized comic drama. She wants to subvert the system, she says. The freelancers who work for Witchcraft Trend Forecast on a project basis doubt the witch’s intentions. Her critical posture might merely be a strategy to increase her agency’s edginess.
Web comic, 14 chapters, smart phone as reading device recommended! Read it here
Code and UX by Stefan Endres3D avatars by Aljoscha Burtchen
Exhibition view with 3D avatars by Aljoscha Burtchen -
Precarious BBs
Bean bags based on the characters of my webcomic Link in Bio
Made in collaboration with Rabea ter Braak and Jannis Esselbrügge -
Langfinger & Wackelzahn
Stuck between a childlike imaginary world and teenage horniness the characters of Langfinger & Wackelzahn are in search for belonging, but some of them already know: “Life is random”.
172 pages, b/w, softcover, thread-stitched with dust jacket
German edition
French edtion -
Comic for Le Monde diplomatique germany
Extract form Sex-Maus a comic for C͡U͡T͡E͡S͡/ظِراف collected queer and trans comics
Extract form Incompartible for the FanArt and Sqash pubication Handy
booom e.V.
booom e.V. conducts open workshops for children and teenagers with a refugee background. The recent workshop series Alles GUCCI oder was?! allowed participants to explore various clothing design techniques and the presentation of fashion across different media. And yes, cuddly toys are also fashion! An exhibition titled SCHMATZEN was organized and the fashion magazine booombastik side eye was created. 🎀✨🪱
The workshops were run by Julius Wagner, Jannis Esselbrügge, Rabea ter Braak and Michel Esselbürgge.
boooom e.V. instagram account -
The Institute for Contemporary Cartooning was founded out of our shared discomfort of being a cartoonist. We had doubts about the total affirmation of ancient cartooning techniques and common comic aesthetics. When we drew, we felt cringe and displeasure. So we stopped drawing, developed a corporate identity, wrote a manifesto and created keynotes on the current state of contemporary cartooning that we presented to the ignorant. Cartooning became a worldview – in a world that had itself become a classic cartoon.
Members: Karoline Achilles, Victor von Boltenstern, Michel Esselbrügge, Christoph Schnerr, Helen Stefanie and Robin Vehrs.